Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I haven't podded, yet.

“So...what's it like, being a vampire?"
 "Aline!" Isabelle looked appalled. "You can't just go around asking people what's it like to be a vampire!"
 "I don't see why," Aline said. "He hasn't been a vampire that long, has he? So he must still remember what it was like being a person." She turned back to Simon. "Does blood taste like blood to you? Or does it taste like something else now, like orange juice or something? Because I would think the taste of blood would-"
 "It tastes like chicken," Simon said, just to shut her up.
 "Really?" Aline looked astonished.
 "He's making fun of you, Aline," said Sebastain” - Cassandra Clare, City of Glass.

Next week Tuesday will be the full moon 6/2. I plan on watching Underworld Evolution. I've been delaying the podding process, but life is good. Peace.