Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I can't help it*. Silly little corporate greed conglomerate
sucked the wind from my sails. I was watching Preacher (AMC) and the $ony logo ends the broadcast. Ugh, was my response.

Today I started thinking about the 'lil franchise that could.

Tweet One: Received my absentee primary election ballot in the mail yesterday. Picking new Death Dealer Elders is harsh. Franchise humor.

Tweet Two: Will this be covered in U5 or will we have to wait for Underworld 6: The Election Year? I nominate The Count from Sesame Street.

The first thing about Fight Club (quickly looks up if this is a Sony picture) is you don't talk about F.C.. So, we'll talk about The Wars. in terms of politics.

"The Galactic Republic Chancery election of 32 BBY was the last time a new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was chosen." - Wookieepedia

On the ballot were Finis Valorum, Palpatine, Bail Antilles and Ainlee Teem.  What happened to Valorum? Ahhhh, the Underworld waits for you... oh, no one besides me cares about him? I see. The Underworld pod waits for you. My snuffleupagus pod (side note Snuffy's birthday is on August 19th). I erased all former pod evidence and I haven't recorded since April 2015. Time ticks on.

If, you look up Star Wars election you see some humorous political paraphernalia. I vote for Rey merchandise. 

I thought about podding today. We shall see. It's my mother's birthday and let's give it up for mi madre.

*Well, I can. I can be vigilant to my cause.  But, sometimes the mind drifts to other things.  Foolish things.