Monday, August 10, 2015

Aloha! I have a plethora of excuses on why I have not been podding. My work schedule changed, it's too bloody hot in Honolulu to pod/do anything that isn't eating ice-cream and I'm working on finishing up my book.

My neighbor is also house renovating and it's all about sawing and hammering at the moment. Not ideal for podding. I bought a microphone and well...I can't sound any worse than the exhibit A - ? podcasts, right?

Tonight SyFy is showing an Underworld Marathon. Which is so strange because Yesterday I was complaining, in my head, why do they not do this (an U. Marathon) more often? Keep in mind that this was when SyFy had a U and U: E marathon on Sunday 8/9/15.  
I tweeted -  Today: 8/10 #Underworld, Underworld: Evolution and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans on @SyfyTV Oh, it's on!!!

This photo is from my book, Kanakolukūmālima. It's the most Underworld thing in my book, not really.  If I want to be an annoying artist I can say that this piece represents diversity.  But, I'm not that kind of artist. It's vines in a plant that reminds me of starlight. There might be a piece of trash in the lower right corner.

My book is a photo book.  Looky, looky here - nadiaoribio